High Turnover Culture
High Turnover Culture by Jenni Miller and Stephen Adams
People are no longer staying in a job for life, in fact on average people move jobs every 2.7 years. Industry experts say this is more relevant among Millennials (age 27-40) and Generation Z (age 18-26). Additionally, Generation X (age 43-58) are seeing the benefits of adapting their work-life balance since the Covid pandemic – allowing for a complete lifestyle change. Advancements in technology, progressive organisational views, and the world becoming more accessible means colleagues are realising their job needs to adapt to them and their needs, rather than the other way around.
The Brexit transition in the UK, the unstable economy and world events have led to more roles being available for candidates to choose from within the UK and business are struggling to recruit. In a vacancy heavy environment, an organisations culture becomes more highlighted and crucial in attracting colleague talent. According to LinkedIn, 57% of workers said a key factor when looking for a new job is the company’s reputation.
When trying to compete in the market to attract new talent there are several questions a business should be asking themselves. What message does it send to new employees if you have a high turnover within your organisation? What is your culture and how is it being viewed? Are you a trusted employer? What does it say about Leadership? How is the Brand being represented?
Company Culture & Leadership Capability both have a huge impact on supporting retention and attracting talent. 43% of people who have recently left jobs have done so because of a toxic workplace or culture. All colleagues have their part to play in the success of an organisation – I agree with this view, however, the overriding direction of the organisation firmly sits at the door of the CEO and the Board. The Senior Leadership Team must look at how they conduct themselves, their brand, their words & actions and their engagement with stakeholders, colleagues and customers.
Recently I was lucky enough to speak with Sir Peter Wanless, CEO of the NSPCC, on our Inspiring Thoughts Podcast. Sir Peter for me encapsulated a CEO who would inspire anyone and create a compelling vision and positive ethos as a Leader. Just one hour of being with Sir Peter showed him to be a CEO who is in complete control of his actions, beliefs and ultimately his CEO responsibilities. I was left feeling like I wanted to be part of that culture he had created!
I have listed below my thoughts on the behaviours I have experienced from Inspiring Leaders and, unfortunately, the other end of the spectrum.
Inspiring Leaders demonstrated: –
1. Clarity of roles and responsibilities.
2. The ability to listen to stakeholder positions differing from their own.
3. Listening to feedback from colleagues, customers, and shareholders.
4. Live and breathe the values of the organisation.
5. Address issues and problems head-on.
Poor skills observed: –
1. Words and actions differ – being a hypocrite.
2. Their way is always correct.
3. Narcissistic behaviour.
4. Only listen to colleagues who agree with them.
5. Over-promising and under delivering.
So, as a CEO or Senior Leadership Team, if you have a culture of high-turnover in your business it really is time to hold up a mirror – you have the greatest control over how your organisation can live and breathe its culture!